While electric automatic gatesadd another layer of security to a house, the maintenance services of a reputable gate specialist like 4suregates.com”>4suregates.com is crucial to ensuring longevity of that security.
Moreover, it’s important to work with professionals who know how to meet all safety requirements as well as regularly audit checks of the automatic gate to ascertain that it still meets the UL 325 Safety Standards. The standards have been established not only to prevent fire and electrical hazards that can affect the gated house or building. They also serve as guidelines on what to include as failsafe features that ensure privacy and public safety.
What Exactly are the UL 325 Safety Standards
To fully appreciate and comprehend the significance of the UL 325 Safety Standards, be in the know that these are rules and regulations formulated by leaders of various industries with the help of science experts and researchers of the global safety enterprise known as United Laboratories (UL) and located in Illinois, USA.
The safety standards were established to properly address the concerns raised in connection with the installation, operation, usage and maintenance of automated fixtures and appliances that close and open with the use of electricity rated at 600 volts or less. Aside from automated gates, automated fixtures also include vehicular gates, exterior awnings, windows, draperies, louvres and blinds.
Also, the safety standards are revised and updated from time to time in order to stay relevant with the changing conditions affecting the Earth’s environment. The latest UL 325 version was published some time in 2018.
Important Failsafe Features that Must Be Maintained in Accordance UL 325 Standards
In Dallas Fort Worth Texas, there are homes and ranches surrounded by a sprawling estate that creates a great distance between the ranch residence and the automated gate.
These types of electronic gates make use of wireless connection to the gate’s control panel. That way the ranch owner can be notified about the presence of a visitor at the gate, for which he can decide whether to allow or deny entry to any one seeking to enter the property.
Just the same, whether a house or building is located near or at a great distance from the electric gate, the following are important failsafe features that must be present in automated electric gates:
- Moving barrier gates or swing gates that have potential entrapment zones must stand at a height not greater than 4 inches and must be protected at all times to prevent the moving barriers and fixtures from causing potential harm to people.
- Moreover, external sensors for the entrapment zones must be in place and monitored at all times.
- The bottom of swing gates should not have any protrusions.
- An operator must man swing gates used for vehicular traffic.
- The space between the ground and slide gates together with the adjacent fence must not permit a 2 ¼ inches sphere to pass through.
- All exposed rollers must be covered.
- There must be a separate entrance through which pedestrians can enter and exit.be installed
- All electric gate controls must be mounted on a location that is at least six feet away from the gate’s moving parts.