Push in fittings, a.k.a. push to connect fittings, are devices used for coupling pipes, hose and tubes without need to use glue or solder. The push to connect mechanism speeds up the process of attaching or detaching and then
re-attaching the fittings. While this type of coupling brought about improvements in making fast and reliable connections, it does not solve a greater problem. That of reducing the impact of metal production on the environment as well as make metal use sustainable in order to curtail the increasing demand for metal production.
Impact of Metal Demand on the Environment
- Based on Materials Science research reports, global production of metals represents about forty percent of industrial greenhouse gas emissions, involving an estimated 3.2 billion tons of minerals
According to materials science experts, it’s high time the metallurgical sector take initiative to become more sustainable, as it cannot be expected to work in a circular economy. Every year, about two-thirds of metal required by industries come from primary production because only about a third was available as recyclable scrap.
Consequently, the discussions about mitigation strategies for reducing the impact of metal demand on the environment has led to the development of alloys known as stainless steel.
Stainless steel is a combination of two or more kinds of metal or iron containing at least 10.5% chromium. The combination formed an alloy coated by a substance called Chromium Oxide, which serves as a protective layer of coating against acid and other corrosive elements.
Stainless steel is 100 % recyclable. This led to the production of stainless steel fittings since they are used in highly corrosive conditions.
Who Exactly Invented Stainless Steel?
Actually, the first to uncover the technology of stainless steel did not undertake groundbreaking actions to prove the significance of the discovery. In 1820, English scientists named Stoddard and Farraday were the firsts to dabble in the concept of combining iron and chromium to produce an alloy that is highly resistant against acid attacks. However, the discovery and enthusiasm over its potential, fizzled out, as tests did not produce the results expected.
Although several other scientists attempted to pursue the iron-chromium phenomena, it was only in 1911 that the resistant quality of the iron-chromium alloy
was used in the right formulation and appropriate application.
Harry Brearley garnered the credit for having invented in 1913 the first true rust- resistant stainless steel. Brearley at that time was looking for solutions to prevent rusts from eroding the gun barrels of the British army. The rest was history as Harry Brearley was able to establish that it only took 12.8% chromium to produce a metal that can withstand rust and corrosion