Factors to Consider on EdTech’s Equity

The depiction of our present digital divide is often the starting point for equitable ed tech talks, and for good reason.

Is your online course’s educational technology equal and accessible of all students? When examining the instructional perspective of an e-learning tool, here are some critical equity questions to consider.

Equity in the Technology Sector

This section includes four PX design research question that may help us improve navigate online discrepancies and strengthentech equity. ” Analyze the educational use of technological developments such as extended reality (XR).

Equity in Accessibility

Accessibility is a second factor that is frequently brought up when it comes to equity considerations in ed tech. Examine to what extent are our resources, individually or collectively, capable of responding to ADA accommodation demands while simultaneously promoting Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Equity Based on Experience

The “experience – based equity” is a less usually explored PX area for equity. While the study of fictitious learner personas is often beneficial to ed tech design processes, it is also beneficial to broaden our considerations to include a greater range of experiential variety among learners.

Equity of Identity

A fourth PX domain, which may be the least well-known, deals with issues related to as “Identity Equity.” Find out how often the potential learning pathway envisioned by design teams moves from stereotypes and essentialism toward the varied and often intersecting personalities of today’s “non-traditional” students.