With the use of educational technology tools, content creation, interaction with audiences, and implementation of data strategies are made simple, which explains why these tools reside outside the classroom and, in conjunction with social media platforms, specifically Instagram, can provide benefits.
If you’re wondering how to increase Instagram followers (인스타그램 팔로워 늘리기 노하우), using EdTech in the right way can assist when seeking how to set social media objectives, especially through engagement with the audience as listed below.
1. Design Infographics Using Tools
Using tools like Piktochart or Canva will allow you to design high-quality and educational infographics. Aim to create content that would benefit your audience, but make sure to pay attention to the quality of content to make it more informative.
2. Host Workshops on Instagram
Utilize Zoom or Microsoft Teams to organize short Q&A sessions or mini lectures that can be posted on Instagram to attract users who are willing to expand their knowledge.
3. Utilize Filters to Set Yourself Apart
Educational content that is enhanced with augmented reality features is able to grab the attention of the audience, and with features provided by Instagram, you can use filters powered by AR to get noticed.
4. Make Use of Loom to Share Quick Tutorials
Loom is able to help create dense yet educational short videos that can be posted on Instagram in the form of Reels or as carousel posts.
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5. Reach Out to Instagram Accounts of Tech-Savvy Educators
If educators that are familiar with technology post about your products, they will be able to showcase your account in front of a larger audience.
6. Tools for Analysis Content Optimization
Utilize data offered by analytic platforms such as Google Classroom Insights or Edmodo analytics in order to develop your content more on Instagram.
7. Create Hashtag-Based Educational Initiatives
Make various contests that relate to your niche and request your followers to join in using the given hashtag.
In a perfect world, advanced educational technology and social media training proceed hand in hand in a quest for the target number of Instagram followers.
The innovative nature of EdTech enables the targeted audience to promote and develop their business through eye-catching posts or even editing tools.